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DiSC assessments have been around since 1972 and have been updated and adapted to modern workplace environments to help managers learn more effective communication techniques and how to build better interpersonal relationships with team members while having the tools to effectively navigate conflicts, set goals, and establish an atmosphere of successful communication.

The four different DiSC assessment styles are: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. To understand the best communication techniques for each style, it’s important to recognize the traits of each.

  • Dominance- These employees prefer to work towards and maintain control, making them assertive and hard workers who are goal-oriented. They are the problem-solvers who enjoy a challenge or competition and are known for their directness.

When communicating with the Dominance styled employees, be concise and focused. Rambling and chitchat aren’t appreciated as they prefer to get down to the brass tacks and know you respect their time and attention to a matter. It’s also important to provide these individuals with the opportunity to be a part of the decision-making process whenever possible rather than just presenting them with a pre-determined decision. Their ability to problem-solve and take on a challenge, they are great at devising strategies that may be outside the box and perfect for the given situation that others may not be able to see. When it comes to conflict with these individuals, it’s important to delineate the fact/s of the conflict from the personal or individual.

  • Influence-Employees who score high in the area of influence thrive on communication and interpersonal interactions. They are great at presenting and typically have a “stage presence” that makes them known to be enthusiastic and energetic. However, they can appear to be more disorganized than other team members since they are the “actors” in your organization. Task them with presenting information company-wide and they will thrive, but their workstation may look like a small tornado whipped through it every day.

When communicating with your Influencers, it’s important to start the conversation with some chitchat and be personable. However, ensure the main reason for the conversation doesn’t get lost. If a decision needs to be made, it’s important it is made by the end of the engagement and follow-up in writing. And when it comes to discussing ideas or changes, support your point-of-view with supportive testimonials or affirmations made by other people this particular employee admires or respects as they understand the value of influence from respected and knowledgeable mentors.

  • Steadiness-As the characteristic description says, these employees are your tried and true, in-it-for the long-haul employees. They tend to be great listeners who are persistent and hard-working on goal-oriented projects. Whether it be a project goal or their overall career, this employee makes a plan and sees it through to completion. They are not known for being multi-taskers since they immerse themselves fully into any project they undertake.

Similar to the influencers, Steadiness oriented employees prefer to start a meeting with some friendly conversation before leading into the business aspect of a conversation. It’s important to listen to what these team members have to say after having a conversation with them. Provide time to digest and decide if requested from these employees. They don’t like to be rushed into a decision especially since they will immediately begin the task of breaking down a decision into all the facets of a project and developing a plan of attack before committing to a project. Make sure you keep your word and avoid flippant promises as these employees value trust above all else.

  • Conscientiousness- These employees are creative thinkers who pay close attention to details. They are organized and tend to be resistant to change especially without supporting evidence of the benefits the proposed change can have in the organization.

Before meeting with employees who fall into this category, make sure to prepare concise supporting data for the speaking about changes or new ideas. With these team members it’s important to set a good example and prioritize follow-through on your commitments. During personal interactions with these employees, ensure you respect their personal space. These organized individuals value respect, organization, and valued change propositions.

To better understand and utilize DiSC assessments in your organization to increase effective communication, let Front Line Leadership teach you the ins and outs of DiSC and best communication practices. For more information contact Robert Winter at 832-483-5535 or fill out the contact form on our contact page. Impactful strategies for successful leaders start at Trinity.








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